
Blend Words & Code Mixing

Kamis, 29 Mei 2014 0 komentar

Blending (Blend Words)

Blending is the word formation process in which parts of two or more words combine to create a new word whose meaning is often a combination of the original words. For example:

  1. Advertisement+ Entertainment                  Advertainment
  2. Binary              + Digit                                Bit
  3. Biographical    + Picture                             Biopic
  4. Breakfast         + Lunch                              Brunch
  5. By                    + Cause                               Because
  6. Cybernetic       + Organism                        Cyborg
  7. Electronic        + Execute                            Electrocute
  8. Flame              + Glare                                Flare
  9. Guess              + Estimate                          Guesstimate
  10. Internal            + Communication               Intercom
  11. Modulator       + Demodulator                    Modem
  12. Motor              + Hotel                               Motel
  13. Of (the)           + Clock                               O’clock
  14. Picture             + Element                            Pixel
  15. Simultaneous   + Broadcast                        Simulcast
  16. Sky                  + Hijack                              Skyjack
  17. Smoke             + Fog                                  Smog
  18. Spoon              + Fork                                 Spork
  19. Sweep             + Wipe                                Swipe
  20. Telephone        + Marathon                        Telethon

Blended words are also referred to as portmanteaus. Portmanteau is French for suitcase.  Portmanteau words have two parts folded into one; much like the two parts of a suitcase fold into one unit.

Code Mixing

“Code mixing” refers to a multilingual's or a bilingual's use of two or more languages in a single unit of discourse, such as a word, an utterance, or a conversation (see, e.g., Genesee, Paradis, & Crago, 2004).

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